Sunday, August 15, 2010

My bad....

Food- its been so long since I have posted, probably a small village
Exercise- regular gym visits

Sorry, sorry, sorry.  I know it has been forever since I posted and so much has happened.  Well... not really.  Still around the same weight.  So whatever I am doing does not seem to be working 100%.  Inconsistant workouts coupled with average to poor eating habits.

Honestly, its so damn hot that it sucks the life out of you and you dont want to do anything outside.  Seriously it has been 100+ degrees every day for the past 2 months.  I guess thats a good thing to get the sweat pouring but its counterproductive because I have no enthusiam to do anything outside. 

Well, this week I am going to make an effort to post every day.  I have four followers and I WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN.  My wife says that to get more followers I have to go join other blogs and link to theres and write "cool blog, check out mine."  There has got to be a better way.  Maybe I will take ad space out or a commercial during the superbowl.  Okay... im out.  See you tomorrow.  No cool picture this morning. 

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Best Breakfast recipe EVA

Weight: 253
Exercise: a lot of disc golf
Food: horrible breakfast

Yeah I left a lot of stuff out in the food section.  This is going to be kind of counter productive but I am going to post a recipe that is HORRIBLE for you but sooo delicious.

Its my moms recipe called upside down french toast.

9 by 13 pan.  Melt a full stick of butter and pour it in the pan.  add a tsp of cinnamon and a cup of brown sugar into the pan and mix it up.  It will form a brown sugary goodness.  Make sure it is evenly spread across the pan.  In a bowl, mix 6 eggs and 1/2 cup milk.  Throw in a dash of salt for fun.  Beat that till its good and then pour it in the pan. 

Take about 10 pieces of white break and put down 2 layers in the pan.  Its okay if the egg juices don't get on the top piece of bread.  Now put in in saran wrap and stick it in the fridge.  The next morning, take it out and preheat the oven to 375.  Stick the pan in for 40 minutes.  When its done, let it cool for 5.  Then with a spatula, take out the 2 piece layer and flip it over.  It is so good you wont need maple syrup.

Very counterproductive to losing weight but you have to treat yourself every now and then.